There are numerous compelling reasons to consider getting dental implants in Houston, TX from Evolution Dentistry to restore your smile. The following are the most common reasons people choose dental implants:
Replace a missing tooth or teeth
Improve your chewing, speaking, and smiling.
Restore facial features that have been altered as a result of missing teeth
Keep other teeth from shifting out of place.
Maintain and/or improve bone health
Avoid the hassle of denture wear and upkeep.
Improve your appearance by looking younger.
The process of getting implants will require several visits spread out over several months. To determine the bone density, gum tissue, and spacing available for an implant, digital dental x-rays and impressions (molds) of the jaw and teeth are taken. The implant will be surgically placed into the bone while the area is numb and will be allowed to heal and integrate for up to six months. Depending on the type of implant, a second surgery to place the “post” that will hold the artificial tooth in place may be required. Other implants have the post and anchor attached and placed at the same time.
The artificial teeth are made and fitted to the post portion of the mouth after several weeks of healing.